Drodzy Rodzice,
Uprzejmie informujemy, że zgodnie z regulaminem Kanadyjskiej Szkoły Podstawowej zajęcia na świetlicy od godziny 17.00 do 18.00 są dodatkowo płatne.
Szczegóły znajdują się w regulaminie świetlicy.
After School Care Regulations 2024-2025
Aby otworzyć najnowszą wersję dokumentu, kliknij w poniższy link:
Parent's Handbook 2024/2025
Istnieje kilka wersji polisy ubezpieczeniowej do wyboru.
Rodzice kupują ubezpieczenie samodzielnie, online, klikając na link i wypełniając dane dziecka oraz zakres ubezpieczenia.
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany zakupem ubezpieczenia dla swojego dziecka, skontaktuj się z sekretariatem szkoły swojego dziecka, aby uzyskać link.
Aby otworzyć dokument, kliknij w poniższy link:
Bells Bełska & Olimpijska
Aby ściągnąć kalendarz roku szkolnego, kliknij na poniższy link:
Calendar for Parents
6 Child Behavioral Problems Parents Should Never, Ever Ignore
I talked to 70 parents who raised highly successful kids—here’s the ‘surprising’ parenting style they all used
Kids’ Incredible Learning May All Be Down to 1 Chemical in The Brain
Is Your Phone Actually Draining Your Brain? – Scientific American
Smartphone addiction linked with lower cognitive abilities, less self-control, and worse psychological well-being
Artificial Neural Networks Learn Better When They Spend Time Not Learning at All
Teacher explains equity, tells students why they can’t be treated equally and it’s eye-opening
In elementary classrooms, demand grows for play-based learning
21 smart science books for curious kids of all ages
Want resilient and well-adjusted kids? Let them play
A school replaced detention with meditation. The results are stunning.
These 2 tricks can help you learn and memorize new things
Meditation works as well as a popular drug to reduce anxiety, study findshttps://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/11/09/1135211525/anxiety-medication-meditation-lexapro
These 2 tricks can help you learn and memorize new thingshttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/11/spacing-retrieval-practice-memory-tricks-benefits
Groundbreaking study identifies the cause of ADHDhttps://www.thebrighterside.news/post/groundbreaking-study-identifies-the-cause-of-adhd
These 2 Foods Have the Most Potent Antibiotics You Need This Seasonhttps://www.fitwirr.com/nutrition/turmeric-and-honey/
7 Children’s Art History Books for Gift Givinghttps://www.artnews.com/art-news/product-recommendations/best-art-history-books-for-kids-1234644740/
13 (Secretly) Educational Video Games That Kids Will Actually Likehttps://www.cnet.com/tech/gaming/13-secretly-educational-video-games-that-kids-will-actually-like/
100 Daily Self-Love Affirmations To Help Boost Your Confidencehttps://www.yourtango.com/quotes/self-love-affirmations
Dangers of too much screen time for children – including anxiety and eye damage
I raised 2 successful CEOs and a doctor—here’s the parenting style I never used on my kids